Foul Bay, Western Australia

Sea Level + Environmental Reconstruction using Uranium-Thorium (SLEUTh) Lab

Welcome to the SLEUTh Lab (Sea Level & Environmental reconstruction using Uranium-Thorium). We are a team of geoscientists, led by Dr. Andrea Dutton, who are committed to studying Earth history as a means to better understand the dynamics of our planet and how they will shape our future.  Most of our research projects focus on past climate and sea level change, but more broadly address topics within carbonate and isotope geochemistry, sedimentary systems and diagenesis, weathering and ocean chemistry, including intersections with paleobiology, geophysics, and much more.

In addition, we are committed to not just studying climate, but improving it.  That is to say, we are invested in creating a space not just to carry out world-class science, but one that fosters diversity and innovation by being open, inclusive, and safe.  We seek to empower others by sharing our scientific knowledge through public outreach and community engagement in a way that promotes social and environmental justice.

Andrea Dutton, sitting on a red rocky outcrop next to the ocean
Dr. Andrea Dutton at one of her field sites in Western Australia